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Drop By or Schedule a Private Tour 
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¡Visítanos hoy!

No need to make an appointment first. 

Stop by and ask Lucy for a tour.

Nosotras hablamos español





We are located at 2300 3rd Street

(next to General Van Fleet Park)

off Myrtle, which is off Lemoine

Interested in applying?

Llamar a Lucía

Speak with Lucy by calling 

(201) 838-6655 

      Special note 

Access to and participation at Magnolia Adult Day Care is available to all regardless of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, political beliefs, marital status

familial or parental status, sexual orientation, level or source of income or protected genetic information. Magnolia happily welcomes all!

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Home: Welcome

Who We Are

Magnolia Adult Day Care is a social and medical day care center located in Fort Lee, NJ. We place a high value on independence, friendship, entertainment, nutritious and delicious food, a healthy lifestyle, and the best possible health care.


Our aim is to enrich our clients' daily experiences with many fun and engaging activities. Our staff places our clients' daily overall care and happiness as its top priority. And -- have we already mentioned? -- it's a great place to make friends!

한국 어덜트 데이케어는 소셜과
메디컬 케어 서비스를 제공하며,
뉴저지 포트리 중심에 위치합니다.

Мы социальный и медицинский центр дневного пребывания для пожилых людей.
Мы обеспечиваем отличное медицинское обслуживание. Приходите к нам повеселиться, подружиться и вкусно покушать.

Magnolia Adult Day Care es una guardería social y médica ubicada en Fort Lee, Nueva Jersey. Valoramos mucho la independencia, la amistad, el entretenimiento, la comida nutritiva y deliciosa, un estilo de vida saludable y la mejor atención médica posible.

Playing Foosball_edited_edited_edited.jpg

제공하는 서비스는 건강에
좋고 맛있는 음식, 많은
즐길거리, 가까운 한인타운,
차량제공 서비스,
전문 강사가 제공하는
많은 프로그램, 건강한 환경
등 가장 뛰어난 건강관련
서비스를 제공합니다.
Счастье нашего клиента - наш главный приоритет!

Nuestro objetivo es enriquecer las experiencias diarias de nuestros clientes con muchas actividades divertidas y atractivas. Nuestro personal coloca el cuidado y la felicidad general diarios de nuestros clientes como su máxima prioridad. Y... ¿ya lo hemos mencionado? ¡Es un gran lugar para hacer amigos!

Home: About

Life at Magnolia
Adult Day Care

Our goal is to help you remain active and engaged, while supporting your independence. Whether you’re seeking a lot of fun activities or are out to make new friends, we offer a variety of activities, special events and services that will surely bring you and your friends a great deal of good health and joy.

손님의 개별적 건강(정신적, 육체적)에 맞는 프로그램 운영과 다양한 시설을 통해, 한국 어르신들께서 더 건강하고 즐거운 삶을 누리실 수 있도록 준비된 시설입니다.

Вы будете активны и заняты здесь.

Nuestro objetivo es mantenerlo lo más saludable, independiente y comprometido posible.

Home: Welcome

Our Services :

-Magnolia Adult Day Care has a director, nurse, dietitian and social worker as well as attentive aides onsite to ensure your individual health needs are met and overall well-being is prioritized.

-We offer blood pressure, glucose, temperature and oxygen level, weight and medication monitoring. Our medical team will be in communication with your primary care doctor. We can take you to a doctor's appointment if you need a ride.


-Our activities director plans a wide range of entertaining and fun events, from bingo to karaoke and arts and crafts to movies and comedy hour as well as talent shows and more.

-We celebrate holidays and we honor birthdays. We supply delicious meals. We offer transportation to and from home as well as medical appointments, shopping and field trips.

한국 어덜트 데이케어는 디렉터, 간호사, 영양사, 소셜서비스, 각종 프로그램을 통해 모두가 건강할 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.


 의사의 권고에 따라, 혈압체크, 당뇨체크, 체온체크, 체중검사와 복용약 확인 등 여러가지 건강상 확인을 간호사를 통해 도와 드리며, 의사 방문 시 예약과 차량 지원 서비스도 드리고 있습니다.


 센터의 액티비티 디렉터가 항상 재밌고 다양한 프로그램을 준비하고, 시설에 준비된 많은 종류의 액티비티(빙고, 탁구, 당구, 요가, 서관, 운동실, 음악실, 가라오케, 미술실,..)를 즐길 수 있으며, 정원에서 걷거나 햇빛을 즐기며, 채소 또는 꽃도 직접 키워보는 즐거움을 가지실 수 있습니다.

                       Мы контролируем артериальное давление, уровень сахара в крови, температуру и уровень кислорода, вес и принимаемые лекарства. Мы позаботимся о вас.

-Magnolia Adult Day Care cuenta con un director, una enfermera, un dietista y un trabajador social, así como asistentes atentos en el lugar para garantizar que se satisfagan sus necesidades de salud individuales y se dé prioridad al bienestar general.
-Ofrecemos seguimiento de presión arterial, glucosa, temperatura y nivel de oxígeno, peso y medicación. Nuestro equipo médico estará en comunicación con su médico de atención primaria. Podemos llevarlo a una cita con el médico si necesita transporte.
-Nuestro director de actividades planifica una amplia gama de eventos entretenidos y divertidos, desde bingo hasta karaoke, artes y manualidades, películas y horas de comedia, así como espectáculos de talentos y más.
-Celebramos las fiestas y honramos los cumpleaños. Ofrecemos comidas deliciosas. Ofrecemos transporte hacia y desde casa, así como citas médicas, compras y excursiones.

nurse nurse.jpeg

Regular communication between our  nursing staff and your primary care doctor 

Medication Monitoring

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Glucose Level Monitoring

Temperature and Oxygen Level Monitoring

Weight Monitoring

Fully stocked nursing office to attend to your daily medical needs

Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy 
all on site


정기적 건강확인을 담당 주치의와 간호사실에서 자주 확인합니다.

 약을 복용하는지 확인과 도움을 드립니다.

 당 검사를 해 드립니다.

 체온과 산소 농도치를 검사해 드립니다.

 몸무게를 확인해 드립니다.



언어치료가 시설내에 있습니다.

Мы также предлагаем физиотерапию и другие услуги.

Nos aseguramos de tener una comunicación regular entre nuestro personal de enfermería y su médico de atención primaria.

Attentive Aides
친절하고 훈련된 스태프
Внимательные помощники
Asistentes atentas


from your home to
our center & back

차량 서비스



Te recogemos de tu casa y te traemos de vuelta a tu domicilio.

Delicious & Nutritious Meals
맛있고 영양가 있는 식사
Вкусные и питательные блюда
Comidas deliciosas y nutritivas

Home: Services

You bring a warm smile and we will supply everything else
저희 센터를 이용하실때 행복하시도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
Подарите теплую улыбку, а все остальное мы предоставим

Traes una cálida sonrisa y nosotros te proporcionaremos todo lo demás.

playing cards smiling.jpg
Home: Image

You will be busy playing...

Ping Pong or Badminton

Dominoes or Chess
도미노 또는 체스
Домино или шахматы

Mahjong or Hanafuda
마장         화투
Настольные игры

bili bili .jpeg




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ejercicios de estiramiento

lady doing yoga.jpg




Home: Our Services

You will be busy staying fit...

Learning computer pointing.jpeg

Good Music?
Playing the piano


정원 가꾸기: 꽃, 채소

노래 배우고 부르기/가라오케

컴퓨터 배우기

핸드폰 배우기

의료 세미나




모든 예술활동 지원
Artes y manualidades

a movie


Movie Room.jpg

Subscribe Form

Thanks for submitting!


Cell: 201-838-6655

Old Asian Man

Magnolia Adult Day Care

2300 Third Street

Fort Lee, NJ 07024

Thanks for submitting!

Yes, I want to be among friends in a nice, homey place. And I want to take part in a lot of fun activities and enjoy delicious food. Don't you?

집과 같이 편안하고, 모든 건강관련 시설과 프로그램 그리고 건강하고 맛있는 음식 등을 제공하는데 꼭 오시면 좋겠습니다.  부모님과 같이 모시도록 최선을 다 하겠습니다.

Да, я хочу быть среди друзей в хорошем, домашнем месте. И я хочу принять участие во многих веселых мероприятиях и насладиться вкусной едой. Не так ли?

Sí, quiero estar entre amigos en un lugar agradable y hogareño. Y quiero participar en muchas actividades divertidas y disfrutar de una comida deliciosa. ¿No es así?

Home: Our Services

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